Shepherd Creations Internship
This position is open to everyone, and the job can be done remotely so if you or someone you know is interested, please apply or refer.
I need someone that has video editing knowledge, or has above average computer skill, and is willing to learn from me but also train themselves. This person will have behind the scenes access to all the processes I use on every creation. As the intern, they will have the opportunity to learn: foam crafting, wood working, welding, blacksmithing, 3D modeling, 3D printing and access to all the programs I use during these processes.
I want so badly to share my experience and knowledge with everyone I can. My entire life has brought me to where I am today and given me so many opportunities to learn some really incredible skills working with all kinds of materials.
Unfortunately, I lose a lot of productivity and motivation when I edit videos, although I do think it is a very cool skill to have. The time I have spent editing has shown me it’s not my cup of coffee. I just don’t enjoy it. Editing videos will be a large part of the tasks the intern will be performing on a weekly basis, however, they will have many more opportunities to learn other computer programs and skills as well.
Thank you very much for your interest and time.
Have a fantastic day!